Ayoola Foods Ayoola Poundo Yam - 0.9kg

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2 500-FCFA /1

(70 disponible)

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Kachima groug of company
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Ayoola Poundo Yam Flour is easily prepared and can be eaten with any soup of your choice. It is widely eaten in all parts of Nigeria and is also used as a thickening agent in preparation of some soups. Ayoola Poundo Yam Flour comes with an easy to follow set of preparation instructions. You don't need to go through the stress of pounding - just stir in hot water, cook for five minutes and it is ready.Ayoola Poundo Yam Flour is easily

prepared and can be eaten with any soup of your choice. It is widely eaten in all parts of Nigeria and is also used as a thickening agent in preparation of some soups. Ayoola Poundo Yam Flour comes with an easy to follow set of preparation instructions. You don't need to go through the stress of pounding - just stir in hot water, cook for five minutes and it is ready.Ayoola Poundo Yam Flour is easily prepared and can be eaten with any soup of your choice. It is widely eaten in all parts of Nigeria and is also used as a thickening agent in preparation of some soups. Ayoola Poundo Yam Flour comes with an easy to follow set of preparation instructions. You don't need to go through the stress of pounding - just stir in hot water, cook for five minutes and it is ready.


Highly nutritious

Easy to prepare

Size: 1.8kg

full of energy

easy to make

great satisfaction

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